Hazrat Bilal Masjid (AKA Islami Darsagah Bristol) is a founding member of the "Council of Bristol Mosques" CBM.

 CBM currently consists of six Masjids in Bristol (with the door left open for  others to join ) with the intention of bridging the differences between cultures and schools of thought for the common goal of Uniting the Ummah (Muslim community).

 CBM is a representative body for common causes of Muslims in Bristol in all issues effecting Muslims with external bodies such as the Local Council, Police, National Health service  and all other such  bodies.

 CBM aim to make Masjid's  'Centres of Excellence'  by providing each other with support and advice on good practices and thus ensuring that standards are raised  for all concerned.



For further information contact – Manzoor Hussain (Press Supervisor),

Telephone: 07947710390.


Email: council_bristol_mosques@yahoo.co.uk.

Postal address: Council of Bristol Mosques, 433 Stapleton Road, Eastville, Bristol BS5 6PN